

Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Building Z – Room ZW111
Pleinlaan 2
B-1050 Brussels

Phone: +32 2 629 28 35

Email: steve.vanlanduit(a)



Steve Vanlanduit was born in Antwerp on June 19th 1973. He studied applied Mathematics at the University of Antwerp, where he afterwards worked as an assistant for one year. Then he joined the department of Electrical Engineering (ELEC) of the University of Brussels where he finished his PhD on optical measurement techniques in May 2001. Presently he is working as a Postdoctoral researcher of the Fund for Scientific Research Flanders (FWO Vlaanderen) at the department of Mechanical Engineering (WERK). Major research interests are fatigue/damage detection and optical measurement techniques.



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